
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Google Finance Now Lets You Sign In With Multiple Accounts....

Google Finance Now Lets You Sign In With Multiple Accounts

Google has added multiple sign-in to Google Finance. This means users can now use more than one Google account in the same browser session to access Google Finance. 

"Gone are the days of switching between browsers to see your personal vs. professional financial portfolios, news, and charts," says product manager Brian Shih. "With multiple sign-in, you simply switch between accounts using the upper right hand navigation tool. The site will smoothly transition to your other account, allowing you to view other account portfolios in the click of a mouse."

To utilize multiple sign-in with Google Finance, click your username in the upper right-hand corner, then click "Google Account Settings" to get to you profile page. From there, click "edit" next to the multiple sign-in setting. 
Google has been allowing multiple sign-ins for some products since at least early August. Just remember the warning Google provided back then: 

Enabling multiple sign-in will disable Offline products like Offline Gmail and Offline Calendar, as well as any browser bookmarks you've set to link to your accounts. If you use Offline Gmail, make sure to sync your offline mail before enabling multiple sign-in so you don't lose any messages in your outbox. If you would like to continue using Offline Gmail, Offline Calendar, and browser bookmarks linked to your accounts, do not enable the multiple sign-in option. If you have already enabled multiple sign-in, you may disable it.

Google also offers multiple sign-in for the desktop versions of Google Code, Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Reader, Google Sites, and Google Voice, with Google Docs support coming soon.

 Share your commentes. 



Google Maps For Android Gets New Features

Google Maps For Android Gets New Features

Google announced the launch of a new version of Google Maps for Android that has a new design for Place page reviews, more options to filter search results, and an option for Google Latitude real-time updating.

Place Pages On Android will look pretty much like they do on the desktop. Users can see reviews from around the web and from Google users (for those posted directly to Google Maps). 

Users can filter by distance and ratings, as well as by "open now", "neighborhood", or "related searches". 

"In Latitude, you can also choose an experimental 'Real-time updating' option from an individual Latitude friend's profile page to help meet up with them by temporarily seeing faster location updates (friends must have Maps 4.6 and Android 2.2+)," notes Google Mobile Team product manager Michael Siliski. 

This new version of Google Maps for Android (version 4.6) is available for Android 1.6 and up. 

Google is doing a lot of things related to local search. Just this week, the company began rolling out new search results for Places, and added Places as an option to the left panel on desktop search results pages. 
Should they be doing more? Share your commentes.