
I Offer Seo Service.

I offer SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Services at an Affordable cost. The following are the services I offer, all in one Complete Package. Let me outline and make it as clear as possible to you as to the services I offer although most work is self explanatory: Contact Us

SEO Services
Initial analysis
Broken links check
Number of Keywords

Site back-links count
Setup Google webmaster central account
Setup Google Analytic account
Keyword Research for each Page
Search Engine Optimization (On Page + Off Page)

Off Page Optimization
Manual search engine submission
Manual directory submission
Inner Page Directory Submission
One way link
Reciprocal link
Article Submission
Blog creation & posting
Blog Feeds Submission
Blog Submission
Rss Submission
Social Networking
News submission
Press Realeases
Forum posting 
Classfied posting
Blog links

Optimize Title & Meta Tags, Robots Meta
Optimize image name & Alt Text
Optimize Anchor Text & Title Attributes

Create XML sitemap for Google, Yahoo, MSN
Search Engine and Directory Submission
Manual Submission to Google, Yahoo and MSN

SEO implementation Reports
Pre-optimization ranking report
Monthly Maintenance and Monitoring
Post optimization ranking report (after 4 months)

Minimum  Duration
4 months
4 Months TOTAL
Contact Us

You can find more information on some of the elements mentions above here;
SEO Packages Detail
·         Target Keywords
Keyword optimization (also known as keyword research) is the act of researching, analyzing and selecting the best keywords to target to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website

·         On Page Optimizations:
·         It helps to get effective higher ranking on major search engines.
·         It helps to increase the web accessibility.
·         The internal structure of the website should be maintain

·         Google Webmaster Tools Verification
Google has introduced a new method of verifying your web site in Google Webmaster Tools. The new method is to use the Google Analytics asynchronous code to verify your site in Google Webmaster Tools.
·         Robots.txt
 The robots.txt file is a simple text file (no html) that is placed in your website’s root directory in order to tell the search engines which pages to index and which to skip.

·         Page Title Tags
is the first word that you place as your keyword place and it helps to get attract more worlds visitors. Page Title Tags, the first people will read about your website.

·         Content Optimization
Content optimization is the designing of a website to consist of content that reflects your brand, products, and services in order for the search engines to rank you in its results.

·         Keyword Research and Analysis
Keywords is most important factor of On Page SEO. It helps to increase search engines ranking.

·         RSS Creation
RSS streamlines communication between publishers and readers. Since RSS has had a popularity surge, webmasters have been experimenting and using RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways. Typically, RSS feeds contain news headlines and content summaries.

·         Blog Content
Blogs are designed to make it easy for you to keep your blog updated. Some people like to update their blog daily, or even several times per day, while others update only once a week or so. Those who update their blog frequently do better in the search engines, therefore it is important that you take the time to update on a regular basis.

·         Off page Optimization
Therefore, we understand that Off-Page Optimization is crucial to the success of your website and the optimization of your position in the search engine rankings. Off page optimization work like directory submission, blog posting, forum submission etc. directly help the businesses in improving the potential traffic.

·         Directory Submissions
Main objective of using this method is link building therefore the backlinks are the biggest benefit of web directory submissions.

·         Blog Directory Submission
Blog directory submission is one of the efficiently working equipment that give your sites quite a few one-way links. Producing more and more back-links of your web site

·         RSS Submission
If your content is good and attractive, you feed submission will help it broadcast to get more traffics to your site.
·         Do Follow Social Bookmarking:    
        Social bookmarking is a great SEO tool for a number of reasons. The first is that it creates additional inbound links to your content, which is always a good way to gain the attention of search engine bots and increase your page ranking.

·         Press Release Distribution
Press Release is a concise yet informative piece of news-making material that is written in journalistic style, and released primarily to the press (viz., newspapers, magazines etc.). If the press release is original and newsworthy, and has the potential to generate high viewer-listener-online

·         Google Analytics Installation
Google Analytics is a Google tool that can be used to track information on how potential customers use your website and how they get there.

·         Keyword Research and Analysis
Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of your search engine marketing campaign. If your website is optimized for the wrong keywords or key phrases then you may potentially be driving the wrong kind of traffic to your site.

·         Video Creation    
         Website Found can create online videos for your company that will give you great exposure on popular social media sites such as YouTube.

·         Video Submissions
You can now spend some time to create a video to send your message across. You will be amazed to find how easily you can put together information and put it across to visitors. Videos are easily absorbed and attract more attention than articles.

·         Article Creation
Articles are an excellent source for generating backlinks to your website or blog. If you write articles which are truly original and relevant

·          Blog Commenting
Blog comments also help to build up a relationship between the blogger and the blogger owner. Comments often become conversation between the two people and an invisible bonding develops between people.

You are welcome to ask questions or send your comments and suggestions. All e-mails are replied. * Contact Us