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Tuesday, February 10, 2009
How Search Engines Rank Web Pages
Of course, the search engine don't always get it right. Non-relevant pages make it through, and sometimes it may take a little more digging to find what you are looking for. But, by and large,PageRank and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings
As WebCrawler founder Brian Pinkerton puts it, "Imagine walking up to a librarian and saying, 'travel.' They’re going to look at you with a blank face."
OK -- a librarian's not really going to stare at you with a vacant expression. Instead, they're going to ask you questions to better understand what you are looking for.
Unfortunately,don't have the ability to ask a few questions to focus your search, as a librarian can. They also can't rely on judgment and past experience to rank web pages, in the way humans can.
So, how do crawler-based search engine go about determining relevancy, when confronted with hundreds of millions of web pages to sort through? They follow a set of rules, known as an algorithm. Exactly how a particular search engine's algorithm works is a closely-kept trade secret. However, all major search engines follow the general rules below.
Location, Location, Location...and Frequency
One of the main rules in a ranking algorithm involves the location and frequency of keywords on a web page. Call it the location/frequency method, for short.
Remember the librarian mentioned above? They need to find books to match your request of "travel," so it makes sense that they first look at books with travel in the title. Search engines operate the same way. Pages with the search terms appearing in the HTML title tag are often assumed to be more relevant than others to the topic.
search engine will also check to see if the search keywords appear near the top of a web page, such as in the headline or in the first few paragraphs of text. They assume that any page relevant to the topic will mention those words right from the beginning.
Frequency is the other major factor in how search engines determine relevancy. A search engine will analyze how often appear in relation to other words in a web page. Those with a higher frequency are often deemed more relevant than other web pages.
Spice In The Recipe
Now it's time to qualify the location/frequency method described above. All the major search engines follow it to some degree, in the same way cooks may follow a standard chili recipe. But cooks like to add their own secret ingredients. In the same way, search engines add spice to the location/frequency method. Nobody does it exactly the same, which is one reason why the same search on different search engines produces different results.
To begin with, some search engines index more web pages than others. Some search engines also index web pages more often than others. The result is that no search engine has the exact same collection of web pages to search through. That naturally produces differences, when comparing their results.
search engine may also penalize pages or exclude them from the index, if they detect search engine "spamming." An example is when a word is repeated hundreds of times on a page, to increase the frequency and propel the page higher in the listings. Search engines watch for common spamming methods in a variety of ways, including following up on complaints from their users.
Off The Page Factors
Crawler-based search engines have plenty of experience now with webmasters who constantly rewrite their web pages in an attempt to gain better rankings. Some sophisticated webmasters may even go to great lengths to "reverse engineer" the location/frequency systems used by a particular search engine. Because of this, all major search engines now also make use of "off the page" ranking criteria.
Off the page factors are those that a webmasters cannot easily influence. Chief among these is link analysis. By analyzing how pages link to each other, a search engine can both determine what a page is about and whether that page is deemed to be "important" and thus deserving of a ranking boost. In addition, sophisticated techniques are used to screen out attempts by webmasters to build "artificial" links designed to boost their rankings.
Another off the page factor is click through measurement. In short, this means that a search engine may watch what results someone selects for a particular search, then eventually drop high-ranking pages that aren't attracting clicks, while promoting lower-ranking pages that do pull in visitors. As with link analysis, systems are used to compensate for artificial links generated by eager webmasters.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Six Basic SEO Tips for the 2009 New Year
I look at a lot of Web sites to determine what SEO opportunities exist for potential clients. There is such a huge disparity between the issues that I see, I thought it might benefit some people if we covered some basic SEO tips. And that way, if I do a review of your site next month at OMS, you will be able to explore more advanced issues and get more out of your experience.
I typically define search engine optimization issues in three categories: “on page”, “off page” and “site wide” elements. On page optimization refers to optimizing the physical elements of the page including textual content, heading tags, page titles, meta descriptions, meta keyword tags. Off page optimization refers to links, both internal and external. Site wide optimization refers to the technical issues that can affect the engines ability to index and rank you site which includes but is not limited to duplicate content issues, flash and java script issues, URL and file structure, redirect issues, etc.
So, here are my best basic SEO tips by category search engine optimization issues:
1) Unique titles and Meta descriptions that are keyword focused. It’s important to remember that any page of your site could be the first page a user sees on your site. Give them enough keyword focused information to understand the content of the page. Additionally, it’s good to understand from a search engine’s perspective, if you don’t have time to make these fields unique for a given page of your site, how important could that page be.
2) Don’t worry about keyword density. Here’s a hint, there is no magic number. If there was, the community of SEO geeks like me would discover it quickly because it’s an easy to metric to calculate. It’s more important to just make sure it’s in your content. A ratio of 1% to 8% is acceptable although 1% maybe a little low for competitive keywords. Anything over 8% usually begins to reek like spam and influence user experience. There are exceptions but in most cases, if every 10th word of your document is the same word or phrase, you could be spamming.
3) Make your global navigation template is keyword focused. Obviously you don’t wanna get carried away and have links that span the whole page…lol. But remember that every link is a vote. Even internal links. And so, the links that appear on your global navigation serve as votes from each page of your site. So they tend to carry a fair amount of weight. Make sure that those link texts contain the primary keywords for the pages that they link to.
4) Homepage Logo Link. If you site is one of the 99% of sites that has a logo in the top left corner with a link that points back to your homepage, make sure that link is working for you by including a 4 to 7 word alt tag that is keyword focused.
5) Make sure you navigation links are being indexed. Go to Google and type . Then in the resulting page’s header, click on “Text-only version” in the top right corner. Can you see your navigation links on the resulting text page. If not, you may be coding them in Flash or Java script which is completely invalidating those hugely important links.
6) Don’t use 302 redirects. A lot of systems use these redirects by default. They cause major problems for search engines like Yahoo and MSN and at best are inconsistent in Google. You shouldn’t have any problems if you use a 301 redirect, especially for vanity domains that could cause potential duplicate content problems.
These are some basic tips that will get your search engine optimization campaign headed in the right direction for 2009. I hope you find some value in them and I look forward to seeing everyone next month here in San Diego!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Search engine optimization seo new information
Search engine optimization (seo new information)
From Wikipedia
History seo new information
Webmasters and content providers began optimizing sites for search engines in the mid-1990s, as the first search engines were cataloging the early Web. Initially, all a webmaster needed to do was submit a page, or URL, to the various engines which would send a spider to "crawl" that page, extract links to other pages from it, and return information found on the page to be indexed. The process involves a search engine spider downloading a page and storing it on the search engine's own server, where a second program, known as an indexer, extracts various information about the page, such as the words it contains and where these are located, as well as any weight for specific words and all links the page contains, which are then placed into a scheduler for crawling at a later date. seo new information
Site owners started to recognize the value of having their sites highly ranked and visible in search engine results.They also recognised that the higher their site ranking the more people would click on the website. According to industry analyst Danny Sullivan, the earliest known use of the phrase search engine optimization was a spam message posted on Usenet on
Early versions of search algorithms relied on webmaster-provided information such as the keyword meta tag, or index files in engines like ALIWEB.
By relying so much on factors exclusively within a webmaster's control, early search engines suffered from abuse and ranking manipulation. To provide better results to their users, search engines had to adapt to ensure their results pages showed the most relevant search results, rather than unrelated pages stuffed with numerous keywords by unscrupulous webmasters. Since the success and popularity of a search engine is determined by its ability to produce the most relevant results to any given search allowing those results to be false would turn users to find other search sources. Search engines responded by developing more complex ranking algorithms, taking into account additional factors that were more difficult for webmasters to manipulate. seo new information
Graduate students at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed "backrub", a search engine that relied on a mathematical algorithm to rate the prominence of web pages. The number calculated by the algorithm, PageRank, is a function of the quantity and strength of inbound links. PageRank estimates the likelihood that a given page will be reached by a web user who randomly surfs the web, and follows links from one page to another. In effect, this means that some links are stronger than others, as a higher PageRank page is more likely to be reached by the random surfer. seo new information
Page and Brin founded Google in 1998. Google attracted a loyal following among the growing number of Internet users, who liked its simple design. Off-page factors such as PageRank and hyperlink analysis were considered, as well as on-page factors, to enable Google to avoid the kind of manipulation seen in search engines that only considered on-page factors for their rankings. Although PageRank was more difficult to game, webmasters had already developed link building tools and schemes to influence the Inktomi search engine, and these methods proved similarly applicable to gaining PageRank. Many sites focused on exchanging, buying, and selling links, often on a massive scale. Some of these schemes, or link farms, involved the creation of thousands of sites for the sole purpose of link spamming. seo new information
To reduce the impact of link schemes, search engines, by 2007, considered a wide range of undisclosed factors for their ranking algorithms. Google says it ranks sites using more than 200 different signals. The three leading search engines, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft's Live Search, do not disclose the algorithms they use to rank pages. Notable SEOs, such as Rand Fishkin, Barry Schwartz, Aaron Wall and Jill Whalen, have studied different approaches to search engine optimization, and have published their opinions in online forums and blogs. SEO practitioners may also study patents held by various search engines to gain insight into the algorithms. seo new information
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Top 5 Mistakes in Web Site Optimization
Web site optimization is the practice of making your site search-friendly both to search engines and searchers. There are five common mistakes that people tend to make when beginning to optimize their sites for search engines.
1) Web Site Optimization Mistake : Lack of Targeted Keywords and Phrases
A lack of targeted keywords and phrases can make or break your site. When a searcher goes to a search engine or directory and types in a keyword or keyword phrase that you would like to be found for - but you don't have these particular keywords and phrases on your site - then that searcher will most likely not be able to find you.
2) Web Site Optimization Mistake : Poorly Written ContentSite content is the absolute number one draw for both search engine spiders and search engine/directory users. If your content is badly written, is never updated, or is not relevant to what you want to be found for, than your site is neither search engine friendly or user-friendly. In addition, your content absolutely must have targeted keywords and phrases (see mistake number Well-written content is what search engine spiders feed on, and content is the key to high rankings.
3) Web Site Optimization Mistake : Black Hat SEO TechniquesBlack Hat web site optimization includes techniques that are unethical and frowned upon by search engine spiders. These techniques include keyword stuffing, doorway pages, invisible text, and more. These practices actually do raise your site ranking. However, search engine spiders have become very aware of Black Hat seo techniques and can spot them pretty easily (and ban your site). Don't go for the quick fix; learn how to optimize your site for the long haul.
4) Web Site Optimi1zation Mistake : Using Meta Tags Improperly or Not At AllMeta tags include title tags, keyword tags, and description tags. While not the absolute most important component in Web site optimization (that spot is reserved for keywords and content), they do have an important part to play. Make sure to include all these tags in every page of your site, and target them for each individual page.
5) Web Site Optimization Mistake : A Badly Designed SiteIneffective site design includes lack of clear navigation, poorly designed frames, and large,load-intensive graphics. Search engine spiders can actually be blocked from crawling sites that are not well-designed, so it's a major part of Web site optimization; plus, if users can't find what they want on your site quickly, they'll find another site.
Monday, December 31, 2007
SEM vs SEO - the Difference?
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is actually one element of SEM, or Search Engine Marketing. Search Engine Optimization is the process of configuring, or optimizing your website with the appropriate keywords you wish to be associated with, in a manner that will make it easily "seen" by search engines. Some of the more common SEO tactics include:
1. Having Keyword rich web pages
2. Having Keywords in the title of your pages
3. Having Keywords in your domain name
4. Naming the images in your site using keywords
5. Naming the Alt tags of images using keywords
Search Engine Marketing is the process and the methods used to promote your site to search engines. The most common tools are:
1. Search Engine Optimization
2. Article Marketing
3. Video Marketing
4. Social Network Marketing
5. PPC, or Pay Per Click Advertising
In most of these methods, the idea is to generate high quality, relevant content that is keyword rich and placed on sites other than yours, This content contains back links that point back to your site. Google and the other search engines use these factors to rank you in the search results people enter. The more back links you have from original quality content, the more important and relevant you are to Google's results and page rankings.
The important parts above are that the back links to your site must come from relevant, original content. If you have used some of the spamming services or link farms to try to build your back links, Google may penalize you and possibly even black list your site.
Back links generated "Organically," meaning that they are from high quality, relevant content are also very important to Google, whereas Paid advertising - even Google's own PPC program - does nothing to help you get higher up in the page results rankings.
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